How Nehru Jacket Became Popular?

Popularity of Nehru as a politician and Nehru jacket are directly proportional to each other. This jacket gained extreme popularization in the 1950s and 60s. Now again things have surged as in last 10 years and demand of Nehru or Modi jackets has gone up. Nehru studied law and science in England and later moved to Indian in 1912. Struggle for India’s independence gave Nehru global identity. Nehru is also considered as a leader who was strong opponent of communism in India. Nehru visited USA three times in years of 1949, 1956 and 1961.
In years thereafter, Nehru got extreme popular all over the world and along with that jacket too gained immense popularity. India has gone through massive change in infra and economy during first 15 years of independence. World was eyeing India as a rapidly progressing country and that was also a reason why Nehru attire went global. When George Harrison and Beatles went to India to learn meditation and music then numerous things of Indian origin went global.
Indian things that went popular at time of Harrison includes sitar music,bead necklaces, paisley prints, Kolhapuri sandals, white-on-white Lucknow, chicken embroidery and this Nehru or ethnic Jawahar jacket. The main difference between Modi jacket and other jackets or suits was the Military style stand up collar.
To know more about Nehru Jacket or coat, you can contact the team of Wintage as they will be always ready to assist you.
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